Bodegón con frutas, vianda y caña
Date 1900-05
Dimensions 33 3/4" x 44"
Category Painting
Medium Oil on canvas
Genre Still life
Period 20th Century
Collection Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña Collection
Acknowledgement *Translation: Still life with fruits, vegetables and sugar cane

Julio Medina

"Bodegón con frutas, vianda y caña*" (1900-05)


Painter and architec. Medina studied architecture by correspondence and along with his brother Félix worked on the design and architectural decoration of buildings on the western side of the Island. He studied Law under Eugenio María de Hostos and was prominent in politics, defending the independence of Puerto Rico. Medina founded the newspaper La Voz del Pueblo, La Revolución and La Independencia in western Puerto Rico. Although he was contemporary of Francisco Oller and Ramón Frade, he was a self-taught painter. His work, which has a certain chromatic richness, reflects his deep love o country and makes it an exaltation of the Puerto Rican landscape, is a clear historical reference to the work of European artists such as Titian and Giorgione.